How To Install Gprof On Ubuntu Live Cd
ubuntu CD/DVD Drive is not being. Why am I get ths i the gprof flat profile. ubuntu B. Installing Issues, Install Ubuntu from Live USB not.
If your goal is to use a profiler, use one of the suggested ones.However, if you're in a hurry and you can manually interrupt your program under the debugger while it's being subjectively slow, there's a simple way to find performance problems.Just halt it several times, and each time look at the call stack. If there is some code that is wasting some percentage of the time, 20% or 50% or whatever, that is the probability that you will catch it in the act on each sample.
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So that is roughly the percentage of samples on which you will see it. There is no educated guesswork required.If you do have a guess as to what the problem is, this will prove or disprove it.You may have multiple performance problems of different sizes. If you clean out any one of them, the remaining ones will take a larger percentage, and be easier to spot, on subsequent passes.This magnification effect, when compounded over multiple problems, can lead to truly massive speedup factors.Caveat: Programmers tend to be skeptical of this technique unless they've used it themselves. They will say that profilers give you this information, but that is only true if they sample the entire call stack, and then let you examine a random set of samples. (The summaries are where the insight is lost.) Call graphs don't give you the same information, because.
they don't summarize at the instruction level, and. they give confusing summaries in the presence of recursion.They will also say it only works on toy programs, when actually it works on any program, and it seems to work better on bigger programs, because they tend to have more problems to find.They will say it sometimes finds things that aren't problems, but that is only true if you see something once.
If you see a problem on more than one sample, it is real.P.S. This can also be done on multi-thread programs if there is a way to collect call-stack samples of the thread pool at a point in time, as there is in Java.P.P.S As a rough generality, the more layers of abstraction you have in your software, the more likely you are to find that that is the cause of performance problems (and the opportunity to get speedup).Added: It might not be obvious, but the stack sampling technique works equally well in the presence of recursion. @Crash: I won't debate the 'poor man' part:-) It's true that statistical measurement precision requires many samples, but there are two conflicting goals - measurement and problem location. I'm focussing on the latter, for which you need precision of location, not precision of measure. So for example, there can be, mid-stack, a single function call A; that accounts for 50% of time, but it can be in another large function B, along with many other calls to A that are not costly.
Precise summaries of function times can be a clue, but every other stack sample will pinpoint the problem.–May 23 '09 at 1:14. I would use Valgrind and Callgrind as a base for my profiling tool suite. What is important to know is that Valgrind is basically a Virtual Machine:(wikipedia) Valgrind is in essence a virtualmachine using just-in-time (JIT)compilation techniques, includingdynamic recompilation.
Nothing fromthe original program ever gets rundirectly on the host processor.Instead, Valgrind first translates theprogram into a temporary, simpler formcalled Intermediate Representation(IR), which is a processor-neutral,SSA-based form. After the conversion,a tool (see below) is free to dowhatever transformations it would likeon the IR, before Valgrind translatesthe IR back into machine code and letsthe host processor run it.Callgrind is a profiler build upon that.
Main benefit is that you don't have to run your aplication for hours to get reliable result. Even one second run is sufficient to get rock-solid, reliable results, because Callgrind is a non-probing profiler.Another tool build upon Valgrind is Massif. I use it to profile heap memory usage. It works great. What it does is that it gives you snapshots of memory usage - detailed information WHAT holds WHAT percentage of memory, and WHO had put it there. Such information is available at different points of time of application run. The answer to run valgrind -tool=callgrind is not quite complete without some options.
We usually do not want to profile 10 minutes of slow startup time under Valgrind and want to profile our program when it is doing some task.So this is what I recommend. Run program first: valgrind -tool=callgrind -dump-instr=yes -v -instr-atstart=no./binary tmpNow when it works and we want to start profiling we should run in another window: callgrindcontrol -i onThis turns profiling on. To turn it off and stop whole task we might use: callgrindcontrol -kNow we have some files named callgrind.out. in current directory. To see profiling results use: kcachegrind callgrind.out.I recommend in next window to click on 'Self' column header, otherwise it shows that 'main' is most time consuming task. 'Self' shows how much each function itself took time, not together with dependents.
Boot From a Live USB Drive or CDOne of the easiest ways to get started with Ubuntu is by creating a live USB or CD drive. After you place Ubuntu on the drive, you can insert your USB stick, CD, or DVD into any computer you come across and restart the computer. The computer will boot from the removable media you provided and you’ll be able to use Ubuntu without making any changes to the computer’s hard drive.To create a Ubuntu USB drive or CD, download the latest Ubuntu disc image from. Or burn the downloaded ISO image to a disc. (On Windows 7, you can right-click an ISO file and select Burn disc image to burn the ISO file without installing any other software.)Restart your computer from the removable media you provided and select the Try Ubuntu option.Install Ubuntu On Windows With WubiTraditionally, installing Linux on a hard drive has been daunting for new users. It involves resizing existing partitions to make space for the new Linux operating system.
If you decide you don’t want Linux later, you’ll have to delete the new partitions, resize your old partitions to reclaim the space, and repair your Windows bootloader.If you just want to try Ubuntu, there’s a better way. You can install Ubuntu on Windows with. Wubi runs like any other application installer and installs Ubuntu to a file on your Windows partition. When you reboot your computer, you’ll have the option to boot into Ubuntu or Windows. When you boot into Ubuntu, Ubuntu will run as if it were installed normally on your hard drive, although it will actually be using a file on your Windows partition as its disk. Best of all, if you decide you don’t like Ubuntu, you can uninstall it from the Windows control panel.
No messing with partitions required.This will result in a performance penalty when writing to or reading from the hard disk, however. If you want to use Ubuntu on a long-term basis with maximum performance, you should install it on your computer in a dual-boot configuration (see below).Run Ubuntu In a Virtual MachineLike other operating systems, Ubuntu can be run in a virtual machine on your computer. The virtual machine runs Ubuntu in a window on your existing Windows or Mac desktop. You’ll be able to try Linux without even restarting your computer, although virtual machines are slower than running the operating system on your computer itself. The Ubuntu desktop’s 3D effects, in particular, won’t perform very well in a virtual machine, while they should perform smoothly on most computers.To create a Ubuntu virtual machine, download and install. Create a new virtual machine, select the Ubuntu operating system, and provide the ISO file you downloaded from Ubuntu’s website when prompted.
Go through the installation process in the virtual machine as if you were installing Ubuntu on a real computer.Dual-Boot UbuntuIf you want to use Linux, but still want to leave Windows installed on your computer, you can install Ubuntu in a dual-boot configuration. Just place the Ubuntu installer on a USB drive, CD, or DVD using the same method as above. Once you have, restart your computer and select the Install Ubuntu option instead of the Try Ubuntu option.
Ubuntu Won T Install
Go through the install process and select the option to install Ubuntu alongside Windows. You’ll be able to select the operating system you want to use when you start your computer. Unlike with the Wubi method, there’s no disk performance penalty because you’re installing Ubuntu on its own partition. However, this does make Ubuntu a bit more difficult to remove – you can’t just uninstall it from the Windows Control Panel if you don’t want to use it anymore.Replace Windows With UbuntuIf you’re ready to leave Windows behind, you can go all the way and replace your installed Windows system with Ubuntu (or any other Linux distribution). To do this, install Ubuntu normally but select the Replace Windows with Ubuntu option. This option isn’t for most users: It’s generally a much better idea to dual-boot Ubuntu, just in case you need that Windows partition for something else in the future.There’s no real advantage to replacing Windows with Ubuntu instead of dual-booting, except that you can reclaim the hard disk space used by Windows.
Ubuntu Bootable Dvd
An Ubuntu system in a dual-boot configuration is just as fast as an Ubuntu that’s replaced Windows entirely. Unless you’re completely sure you never want to use Windows again, you’re better off dual-booting Ubuntu and leaving at least a small Windows partition lying around.It’s generally best to start out by booting Ubuntu from a USB or CD drive or installing it on your computer with Wubi. After that, if you really like Linux and want to ensure maximum performance, you can move to a dual-boot configuration.Most of this advice also applies to other Linux distributions, although most Linux distributions don’t have their own Windows-based installers like Wubi.